Tuesday, October 5, 2010

MISS TINA! - Tina Knowles Debuts Line at Walmart

Though it's been long known (by fans of Beyonce' of course) that Ms. Tina Knowles is a designer in her own right - she designed some of Destiny's Childs' costumes - she has not come out with her own line of clothing.


Her new collection of affordable clothing debuts this month with some pieces already online (sorry, they're sold out ***Update 10/7/10*** - they're back in stock online). What I love about the line is that she unapologetically includes everyone. As she says below, whether you're a size 2 or 20, there's something for you. What I also love is that the clothes don't lose shape as you go up in size. Because sometimes what may be for that size 2 may not be for you. But with this line, that isn't so. The curvier women in the video are working it good if not better than the slimmer models. And with this line, it's fashion at a very affordable price, which is a plus because I'm on a budget, and I will be snatching up those dresses and open cardigans. The only thing to worry about with this line is it flying off the shelves and possibly seeing someone at the church house (cause that's where I'd work it) or up in the club (if that's your thing), with the same dress on. Either way, I think Ms. Tina has a hit on her hands...

Check it out for yourself:

Images courtesy of BeyonceOnline.com

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